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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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when i say very rapidly the whole thing had gone underwater in under three minutes this is what gave rise to such a terrible death toll of the fact that people didn't even have time to put on their life jackets or to organize a proper kind of evacuation before the water was on them or they had to jump into the water families were torn asunder and the fact that all these children remain in this room is testament to that some personal stories that we have heard from the few people who have been willing to talk one five year old boy who was rescued i think the only child that was actually rescued had lost his mother and his grandmother in the water he was in the water himself and was sure he was going to drown he saw a hand reached out took it it was that of a man he didn't know a man who rescued him and brought him to safety but a man who lost his own pregnant wife another man also with a pregnant wife lost her on board she went to try and help friends the only person who had next to him other than that was his young son who he jumped into the water
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with but the current was too strong the water was too cold and his son was swept out of his arms and he had to watch his son drown in front of his own eyes these are some of the stories that people have been hearing from what had happened and this is just a confirmation of all that but they been through and we heard from one of the survivors earlier about their ordeal. when you know you know you both lean the bed there are three of them in the cabin my son my daughter in law and my grandson my son said he tried to open the cabin door holding his child when the wave crashed into them and he lost a group of my grandson he says you swim towards the light and made it out alive but i can't find my grandson or daughter in law they're not on the new list now i'm waiting to see photos. so whereas the search parties were searching for survivors it is now confirmed that they will be
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searching for bodies. tom bottom so how does that affect now the recovery operation . well our upon our past and a lot in this last day and through the past night there on the on the small strip of step sound behind me boats have been leaving in a riving shifts of divers another rescue workers change and they have been going down again and again to the wreck of the ship to the sunken ship they took some camera equipment with them and showed us some quite graphic footage of them bringing up bodies earlier on good just knows what that footage would look like if they'd taken a camera into this room but it now they have now said that they're not going to be able to bring all of these children's bodies out just through just through taking them through the ship alone there was already a plan mooted to try and bring two ships up from volgograd specialist ships that could raise the raise the ship up of the bulgaria and then they could make make the
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extraction of those bodies easier and they think that that's his now what's going to happen even though that'll take another four to five days to do of course when that ship comes up and when those bodies come out all the people on here will no longer even be able to pretend. that these people are not being lost and i think it'll be a culmination of what suddenly turned into their nightmare. from a summer dream to a nightmare in a matter of minutes. over the last course of my child remained on that boat. it was a sunday afternoon when the holiday river cruiser bold garia run into difficulties on the volga catastrophe came swiftly if humans. but it didn't work is that people were basically buried alive in giant metal coffin we managed to get out through the windows i was there with my ten year old daughter i couldn't rescue her she
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swallowed too much water when i was pulled out i realized my child was gone. the bog area now lies at the bottom of. the vessel saying can listen three minutes it flipped to the right then i swerved and went down and we were literally thrown out and that's how we survived our whole family was on that ship we lost everybody my wife and children children two vessels passed by and didn't even care to stop and reach out a helping hand we spent around two hours in the water before we were rescued i swam around searching for survivors and couldn't find anybody so there were a lot of children on the ship they were all in the games room it was impossible for me to get out of there my grandson would be five years old tomorrow we went on the ship to celebrate my birthday. many of the passengers were families with children on a weekend sightseeing great survivors and relatives powerless to act and now able to
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wait. we are telephoning everyone trying to learn anything about our dear ones we called the police but they said to contact the search and rescue service we did but there was no reply so we came here to find out at least something but even here nobody knows anything. it's horrible we haven't the slightest knowledge of what's going on they should give us at least some information we're calling the search and rescue service but they don't answer the phone. as many as fifty of the passengers were under eighteen years old hold into the volga three kilometers back these people behind me are just some of the relatives desperate for news about their loved ones and what was a pleasure boat cruise for them turned into a living nightmare. the volga bank central russia. all the time the recovers in moscow for us the discovery of these young victims will now of course one of the
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next for poignancy to tomorrow's day of mourning and how did urgency as well to find out what went so badly wrong here. first person news reaction to this has been immediate it's a visit it was outrage at those behind the desk while there was innocent people first of all of course he's expressed his condolences to the family members of those on the left that he's also held up an emergency meeting during this tragedy ordered to set up a special states investigative committee that's going to look into what could have caused this tragedy and he's appointed. to have the ministry of transportation know russia to be the sounds of this investigation and it's a. huge i want the prosecutor general's office to check for compliance with the political transport regulations by the owners of that vessel
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the state officials that certified it as suitable for cruising and generally everyone related to the organization of this cruise especially considering the fact there were so many children on board the ship the results of that investigation should be summed up and not only in relation to this specific catastrophe but in relation to all vessels of this class and other classes as well the number of decrepit barges cruising along our waterways is enormous and the fact that we were lucky before yesterday doesn't mean anything like that couldn't have. and it did happen and with the most grave consequences the. president has also announced that sees day the twelfth of july is going to be the national day of mourning to remember the victims of this tragedy and the flags will be a low word throughout the country are during chuse day to remember the victims all those people who never left that boat but right now the investigative committee is looking into the main points that could have caused this tragedy
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number one being heard that this ship the vessel was really rules it's been sailing since nine hundred fifty five that means more than fifty five years are blue water uncertain vesta gazing ignores the gaiters right now trying to figure out where it was looked after properly during that time a second one being a human error many are are putting the blame when the captain that's the point and we knew he shouldn't have under such weather conditions and the third one being weather conditions very difficult to operate any of us so in fact because it was very windy and so good that was very difficult to use to sail at that point so those are they shoes that they investigative committee are always looking into right now the timing of a call for a moscow time but now we want to talk to stone thank you both for bringing us up to date with what you know. well arty's been hearing from
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a river transport supervisor who told us that it's the port authorities who are responsible for safety and for letting the boat leave dock in the first place. but . you know it's a very old ship it shouldn't have been used moreover it was built to correspond with safety requirements of the one nine hundred fifty s. and while criteria has changed the boat condition hadn't we have to find out of the sunken cruiser had been tested in a timely and thorough way plus the boat was overcrowded with around two hundred people on board which is a serious violation and it should have been allowed to leave port there's also information that one of the engines wasn't working properly and no checks were done in this regard this type of boat is prohibited from leaving port in bad weather when waves threaten to reach two meters this is considering there was information of a storm port authorities are responsible for all those safety breaches. here the main point as we know them so far the volga cruise boat disaster divers are found bodies the south known of up to forty children in the music hall of
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a sunken pleasure cruiser on the volga the children had gathered there to play before tragedy struck leaving them trapped as the boat rapidly went down. two hundred seven people were on board the vessel when it got into trouble more than half of them have died there's been declared a day of mourning across russia president medvedev has ordered an investigation into why the ship sank saying that decrepit vessels should not still be cruising the country's waterways investigators believe a critical technical failure and human error likely to be behind the disaster this is r t we'll keep you fully posted on the developments as they come through to us. let's take a look at some other news now from the day in the middle the middle east peace quartet we see in washington later monday at a time when the israeli palestinian divides growing ever wider russia the united states the u.n. and the e.u. have a tough job ahead of them with peace talks with the ring and with the upcoming u.n. vote on recognizing an independent palestine the impasse has been compounded to
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since been israel rejected u.s. backing to return to preen out in sixty seven borders as the basis for talks israel began occupying palestinian territories including gaza the west bank and east jerusalem in the six day war also driving a wedge is filing a solution to the refusal to stop all withdraw jewish settlements on disputed lands artie's paullus live visited one ancient arab village near jerusalem which its former inhabitants say stands as a painful memory to injustice. nestled in the mountains of jerusalem are the remains of a once bustling arab community only the memories of those who once lived here have survived intact i feel is you know and you have to come back and to bring. my village. to sing the hobson's this rain also to remind. my tire that.
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your coup de graff among the cacti and fit trees but in one nine hundred forty eight just before the state of israel was declared his family evacuated unlike the hundreds of arab villages that disappeared in forty eight and sixty seven most of the original houses of lifter are still here so the only we heard of sure thing. and child but. they really should do the whole the whole deal with the whole. our mother took us inside the room in the corner and then the playground so as to protect us here cook was one of seven hundred thousand palestinians who became a refugee in one nine hundred forty eight his childhood home was quickly absorbed by the newly established jewish state almost livable as the man who lived his house in london for nevertheless if he was forced to do just because he was three it and he is considered as absentee and he lost the property in the early one nine hundred
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fifty s. jews moved into the abandoned homes like you and your husband's parents they were also refugees fleeing arab countries we life had become dangerous after israel was created these really government sent him to live in lifter he only says to prevent arab owners from returning or in the came here on live here years without water without electricity came here to jerusalem for the memory here as a very important most of the original two hundred jewish families left because life in the mountains was difficult and the government was slow to develop the area no one has lived in is how those for forty six years all that remains are stone wars where wild flowers and grass now grow if there is empty. and it into that emptiness that the israeli government now plans to build more than two hundred luxury homes a chicago tell shops and a museum insisting they'll preserve the area's history we will find ourselves with a neighborhood where history has been conserved there will also be documentation
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and the story will be told of who live there as we do in all the neighborhoods of jerusalem but many like your could say it's palestinian land and a double injustice why you want to destroy our house and. yeah me. four or three will came from anywhere in the way i can in my village and come back. turned back to my privilege and living in. this me made me. so and for palestinians lifter is a physical reminder of injustice and survival but for a fair number of israelis it's an eyesore and they'd rather not be reminded of what happened here every time they drive into jerusalem policy r.t.
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lifter. trouble is brewing for italy as the edges closer to becoming the fourth european country to lead a bailout borrowings a record highs italy's debt surges past raising fears over whether its banks can pass a new stress tests senior officials are set to meet later but since italy's one of the bigger players saving it isn't going to be cheap if when chief belgian is leading business magazine says throwing money at troubled nations will not help save. italy represents the seventeen percent of g.d.p. of the euro in g.d.p. which means that we believe in its own it's almost three times as big as a tree smaller countries want important go together so this is really something quite frightening and if indeed italy really goes into big trouble on the financial markets this is certainly a totally new face of this euro crisis a new dimension throwing money at the problem whether it's greece portugal ireland
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and certainly not also italy that is not enough or that can't solve the problem on its own enormous amount of what i call political capital has been invested in this euro project so giving it up is a very tough decision and a decision that will be made just overnight so a lot of energy and a lot of additional money will certainly be spent before we arrive at such a situation and according to me there is no such decision on the rise and if italy comes into this ballgame with the amount that they're involved with this country that might change things quite rapidly. five people have been killed in a suicide bombing at a political rally in northwest pakistan that's the latest violence of the taliban stronghold and comes after pakistan has said it could manage without the near billion dollar military aid which america is now holding back it's thought washington's decision is retaliation for islam about expelling over one hundred u.s. military advisers the west pakistan relationships but. since some of bin laden's
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killing and u.s. drone attacks that killed civilians the white house says islam about is an important ally in the war on terror but that the relationship quote must be worked on over time journalist or a she told me the business is going to be tough to fix i don't think we're seeing any signs that the u.s. officials are really sincere about the relationship. as a relationship between two independents over there would like to work together ten years ago. it was really very hard to find a clean clean shaven pakistan you criticize in the united states it was it was taken for granted if you're criticizing the u.s. you must be some radical extremist but today you have people from the upper classes of pakistan be really lead and very very critical of the united states so i think there's something really wrong and i think very
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a huge responsibility also on the of the u.s. media to convey the right it sure to the american public media which is unfortunately they're not doing very much toeing the whatever. line of government so i think i don't see the near future many of the serious differences between pakistan and the united states it's. more world news a potty train has derailed in northern india while traveling of speed at least eighty people said to be dead over three hundred have been injured it's not known how it crashed but some reports suggest the driver hit the emergency brakes to avoid cattle and that caused some of the twelve carriages to land on top of others and are cutting through the crush carriages to try to find survivors recover bodies . so there's a possible naval munitions dump in cyprus is killed twelve and wounded more than thirty it's told a grass fire spread to the base setting two out of almost one hundred containers a light loss of damage cypresses largest electricity station to power cuts reports
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say the explosives have been seized from a ship traveling from iran two years ago but kept to the death without proper. hundreds of angry syrian government supporters of attack to the american and french embassies in the capital damascus they broke windows of the u.s. compound raised the syrian flag it's in response the american and french envoys controversial visit to an opposition dominated area have been months of protests in syria calling for president assad to quit. a reminder of our main news story today the number killed in the volga river tragedy has risen dramatically over the last few hours because divers have discovered the body of up to forty children in the sunken pleasure cruiser the children gathered there to play before they became trapped as the boat rapidly went down underwater more than half of the two hundred seventy were on board the vessel died tuesday has been declared a day of mourning across russia president developers order an investigation into why the ship sank saying that decrepit vessels should not still be cruising the
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country's waterways investigators believe are critical technical failure and human error likely to be behind the design. you're watching our team from moscow business next. we have a warm welcome to business r.t. headline inflation could be on the wane in russia central banks as consumer prices could decline over the summer and those believe there is a chance this will happen given lower food prices and positive crops forecasts however they still see some risks such as rising demand and budget spending amid soft monetary policy russian inflation has been running at five percent since the beginning of the year gazprom may become a key investor in germany's second largest energy firm r. w. e. spiegel magazine says the investment could amount to fourteen billion dollars are
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the e.u. is facing hard times after the german government decided to exit nuclear power within a decade i don't like power has been its main business and now the firm is looking to invest in other sources of energy including gas other uni is developing a multi-billion euro investment plan to build renewable energy stations. let's now move to the markets oil is extending the losses on stronger dollar and concerns about the u.s. economic recovery bread land is just below one hundred seventeen dollars per barrel light sweet is down also one dollar forty three cents in one thousand nine hundred seventy six. u.s. markets are down no worries about the global demand and the recovery of the u.s. economy is leading the way it's down three and a half percent on expectations of gloomy earnings reports which will come after the closing bell of the u.s. markets and will kick off the second quarter results. in the russian markets server
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showing a pretty similar picture at the close of monday's session with the r.t.s. down two percent my sixty one point three percent mainly this is because of the declining more oil prices as we've seen just a few seconds ago we could crude is pushing energy shares lower gas prices down one point seven percent one point four percent truck make it come out as also losing the fairing better than the market this is on reports of ross nano aims to invest three hundred million dollars to upgrade the company's metal production and implement nanotechnologies alexander go from nation's capital wraps up today straight. today we're getting negative sentiment for two reasons for this is the external negative news and second people who got long positions that the rally will continue they just lost themselves and they have to cut some positions on the night there will be gathering all of the european financial ministers who will try to assuage some market and for the night from monday to tuesday they will be forced to
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report or fall on the korean u.s. and on tuesday morning people will be watching what happened with this report. and new car sales in russia easing the market has grown just forty percent in june the year on year compared to a fifty percent increase the previous month the biggest slowdown is seen by japanese producers suffering from supply disruptions they've run out of stocks which were made before disastrous earthquake to you it was theirs they made four hundred fifty thousand less cars as a result of production hiccups in spring. right you're up to date you can always log on to our website r.t. to come forward slash business for the latest stories and market scores and i will be back in fifty minutes time the headlines are next weekend.
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first tree removal called clear cut. second explosives are used to blast to go deeper than the piers a. third of the remains are removed by machinery. finally the unborn and soil is deposited in vallecito. mountain top legal on our team.
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we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realm of russia. we've got the future of coverage. of a failed state this is not a production looking worn out of. a force it let me show you some scary thought you showed us a pretty trieste piece of they have no idea about the hardships to face. plate one it's businesses are all going to need some pretty are made of the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. to nineteen forty five don't on t. dot com.
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he. says. in some petersburg he's available in hotels a story and a little ambassador in a sense bill to kowtow patroclus hoto patricio toto new golden novotel center. in a sea of colors even if. just
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one story dominating the news today divers now made the tragic discovery of up to forty children's bodies inside the sunken pleasure cruiser in central russia it went down in minutes killing more than half of the two hundred seven on board. the double of the body the vessel sank in listen three minutes our whole family was on that ship we lost everybody my wife and grandchildren shot relatives are struggling to come to terms with how the government's right to their deaths survivors have been describing the desperate attempts to save others. russian orders an inquiry to try to find and punish those responsible for the tragedy early indications by the mix of circumstances from technical failure to human error. well as kevin i know updates all the latest developments for you on the volga tragedy in thirty minutes
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for the news continues in fall between now and then an award winning multi award winning in fact report for you about one of the biggest environmental and human rights catastrophes in american history. on the day of this interview the small creek less than one mile from their home flows black and that's not normal that's coming from an abandoned home odds are it's come from sorry pot. i don't know. what to expect. out caught. maybe a few more years from now law. and my health this went down tremendously. and i don't ever like to be helpful as i don't ever look to the side and i don't think there's anything i can do feel. that i only thing i want now i want good morals i want them to quit pump and are quitting jade and whatever they're doing i
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want them to quit that. and. i want to be better. for the last twenty years. it's been hard. you can't make it without good water. through the. booze. currently there are over one hundred forty billion gallons of coal slurry contained in more than one hundred pound mints in west virginia alone the total quantity of coal slurry in the rest of southern appalachians no. one december twenty second two thousand and eight a coal ash impoundment at the tennessee valley authorities kingston fossil plant failed when an earthen dike.


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